Don’t sacrifice your software security this summer

Don’t sacrifice your software security this summer

With soaring temperatures still going strong, the UK is preparing for a summer of epic proportions. However, hot offices and sleepless nights can result in distracted employees. All too often, team members turn their thoughts away from cyber security and towards their summer break, meaning that your business could be under immense risk.

Cyber security

Cyber security is one of the most important elements of daily business function. It is responsible for the protection of both company and client data, and also your business-critical software. If cyber security is jeopardised, would-be hackers can infiltrate your system within minutes, rendering software defunct and bringing the biggest corporation to its knees. There are, of course, standard security measures that you should be implementing such as data encryption, high level firewalls and antivirus protection. However, the biggest threat to your cyber security is often your own employees.

Staff security

Members of your teams may have access to both your business servers and the internet through work mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Each device they hold acts like a key into your company. If lost or stolen, this key could become a powerful weapon against your business in the hands of hackers. By making your teams actively aware of the need to safeguard your company cyber security then they are far less likely to make thoughtless mistakes that can have devastating effects. IT training alongside cyber security training can go a long way in protecting your data and your business software. If an employee knows how to use a system correctly, they are unlikely to misuse it. Ideally, removable media should be limited across the company, and any sensitive information should be stored off site to eliminate the risk of data loss or corruption.

Software Security

So, what happens when your business data or business critical software is in the cloud? Software as a Service (SaaS) relies upon a consistent connection with both the host provider and software provider. Should external cyber threats interrupt or break that connection, or your providers go out of business, then you will be left with blank screen syndrome and inaccessible data. This is where SaaS escrowcomes in.

LE&AS have designed Access Assure, a SaaS escrow plan that protects your cloud-based software access. Although we cannot stop cyber threats coming to your door, Access Assure works alongside your existing Disaster Recovery plans to help maintain service continuity should your providers go out of business.  SaaS escrow offers an enhanced level of security for businesses by monitoring your SaaS provision. Access Assure detects potential risks such as cyber threats or outages that may result in your provider ceasing to trade. In the event that these risks are identified, LE&AS offer you the opportunity to review your providers while we work to uphold SaaS access for up to three months.

Don’t sacrifice your cyber security this summer, let LE&AS help you protect your business software access today. Call now on 0800 456 1115.

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